Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week 3 Home Communication

Whiriwhiria kia eke panuku! 
(Choose to be more!)

Kia ora, 
Welcome to Week 3.  Thank you for supporting Nick while I have been absent due to a family bereavement. I look forward to being back at school on Tuesday.

In Week 3, our Sexuality programme will begin.  This is part of our curriculum that gets taught each year.  The first week involves setting the scene, expectations and guidelines with the children and introductory lessons.  Chris will be taking the Year 5s and Nick will take the Year 6s.  If you have any questions about this programme, please see the appropriate teacher.

Ag Club Garden Projects are due Monday 25th November.
Our Pet Show and Farmers Market are this coming Friday.  Please refer to any notices that you have been sent home for information.

The last day for handing in Pathways is 13th of November.  Children need to complete at least one from each category, and attain the stars that they require for the certificate (blue/white, red/black) or medal (black/white).

Week 3
* Labour Day - Monday 28 October
* Pet Show/Farmers Market - Friday 1 November

Week 4
* Kids 4 Kids Rehearsal and Performance - Tuesday 5 November
* Pegasus Athletics - Tuesday 5 November (postponement 8 November)
* Assembly - Friday 8 November

Week 5
* Canterbury Anniversary - Friday 15 November

Week 6
* PTA AGM - Monday 18 November
* Assembly - Friday 22 November

Have a fantastic long weekend!

Chris, Nick, Lynn

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