Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 9 Home Communication

Whiriwhiria kia eke panuku! 
(Choose to be more!)

Kia ora, 
Welcome to Week 9 of Term 3.  We can't believe that the term is close to being finished.

We have these unwelcome visitors in our team again.  Can you all please check your child's hair on a regular basis, and treat accordingly if you find these critters.  Thanks.

Information has come home via emails about Pet Show and Agricultural Club.  Entries are done through google forms this year, and every child is expected to enter at least one event.  These are due by the end of today.

You should have received a slip of paper home last week, indicating what categories your child have completed in their pathways. They need to complete at least one from each category, and attain the stars that they require for the certificate (blue/white, red/black) or medal (black/white).

The Clarkville PTA is hosting a Parenting Week presentation here at Clarkville. Building Resilience & Responding to Anxiety” will be presented by Tim Heidmann.

Tim Heidmann - Resource Teacher of Learning & Behaviour
7.30pm – 9pm
Clarkville Primary School, 10 Heywards Rd, Clarkville

An evening of Positive Behaviour Tips and Techniques
Tim believes that a focus on Positive Parenting using consistent and systematic ideas, strategies and consequences is the path towards getting the very best out of our children...including developing and building resilience, responding appropriately to anxiety and equipping our children to cope with future challenges.

As our children have been working so hard this term, we have decided to build forts and learn at the same time.  We will be doing this in our 'company' groups, and will meet on Monday to make decisions about what we can bring from home, so our forts can be awesome.  Please ensure that everything is named.

Week 9
* Parenting Week Talk - Tuesday17 September
* Year 8 Pizza Fundraiser - Friday 20 September

Week 10
* Sausage sizzle - Friday 27 September
* Last day of term - Friday 27 September

Have an awesome week!

Chris, Nick, Lynn, Georgia, Nic

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